To upgrade your Android smartphone to a level of functionality and productivity similar to a free version of Skrol, you'll need to buy, install, configure, and learn up to five additional apps from the following product categories:
Contacts+ — $100 yearly, 3.0 ★
InTouch Contacts — $60/$120/$280 yearly, 3.9 ★
Sunchine Contacts — $9.99/$39.99 for in-app purchases to sync, 4.5 ★
CamCard Reader — $100 yearly, 4.2 ★
BizConnect — $70 yearly, 2.6 ★
Business Card Scanner by Covve — $60 yearly, 4.5 ★
Contacts Optimizer — $8.99 for Pro version, 3.9 ★
Easy Contacts Cleaner — free, 4.9 ★
Simple Contacts — $10 yearly, 4.8 ★
GetResponse — from $150 yearly, 4.2 ★ (1000 contacts / unlimited emails)
ActiveCampaign — from $180 yearly, 4.1 ★ (10 000 emails per month)
MailChimp — from $150 yearly, 4.5 ★ (500 contacts / 5000 emails per month)
Most apps and services above may have trial or free versions with reduced functionality. Still, that's quite a cost and effort when considering the time you'll need to install, configure, evaluate, and learn how to use any of them (prices and ratings collected on July 2024).
On the other hand, Skrol will replace all of them with no limitations, no registration, no personal data collection or tracking, no resale of your private information, and no transfer of your contacts to outside servers.
Tap the Get it on Google Play button below to get your free copy. All changes you make inside Skrol are instantly updated in your current Contacts app and vice-versa. Registration isn't required, and you can continue using the Contacts app alongside Skrol as you did before.